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Creating an App Like MeWe App: Essential Features & Budget Guide

Imagine a social network that has almost all the features of Facebook, without ads, privacy violations, and censorship. Well, this imaginary platform is called the MeWe app. What makes this social media app very exciting and the focus of much debate is that it looks very much like Facebook in appearance and feel. It has premium features like no ads, no violation of privacy complaints, and no censorship. It is the most distinguished app in the USA, and it includes private messaging, group chat, phone and video chatting, and the ability to establish pages and groups. In this blog, we shall guide you how to create an app like MeWe. So let’s dive in.

Understanding MeWe App: Is MeWe a Dating App?

The MeWe app, known as Sgrouples, Inc also is often referred to as a Facebook alternative and is a popular social media network platform headquartered at Los Angeles, California. As per reports, Forbes indicated that the MeWe app has raised $27 million to help it become a household. It is directed toward the data privacy of users when communicating, having a group chat or call, and doing video calls with friends and family, among others. Users can create private and open groups, set aside a news feed for those dear ones, and even do work on it.

The application is available across the globe and has been labeled, according to certain reviews, as the ‘Facebook with enhanced data protection‘.

Why Build a Social Media App like MeWe?

Making a social media app like the MeWe app is very fulfilling, as now the number of social media users globally surged to hit a record of 4.9 billion in 2023. Social media is used daily for socialization, commerce, and even dating. The options are unlimited regarding connections at the local and global levels.

Now, if you are all set to develop a MeWe-like app, then generate an idea, define its purpose, and identify what makes it different. It is foundational in laying the groundwork for the successful execution of your app.

Key Features to Include in Your MeWe like App

Data Privacy and Security:

Any application in this era has to emphasize on user privacy and data security. This could be a massive selling point as most people are increasingly concerned about data privacy.

No Ads: 

One of the premium features of the MeWe app is the ad-free experience. Look to replicate this kind of model to help users tired of intrusive ads move to it.

Communication Tools:

Private messaging, group chat, phone, and video chatting – finally, the ability for people to create pages and groups.

User-Friendly Interface:

A user-friendly interface shall be developed, encompassing the personalization of the camera, animated GIFs, 1:1 and group chats, live video, and voice.

Cross-Platform Functionality: Make your app compatible with iOS and Android.

Social Media Integration: 

Let users link all their other social media handles to your app for sharing and engaging seamlessly.

Customizable Profile:

Provide customizable profiles in which users will show their identity and find people like them.


Update dynamically users’ connections in the newsfeed.

Groups and pages:

Allow users to create and join groups and pages to build community engagement.

Privacy settings:

Enhanced privacy settings will permit users to control who can view their content.

Budget Estimation for Developing an App Like MeWe

Social media app development involves different stages, each having different costs. The rough breakup is as follows:

Idea Conceptualization and Market Research: 

Brainstorming, identifying the needs of users, and market trends analysis. The price will become $5,000 to $10,000.


Design is a very crucial task for user engagement. It means Wireframing, making mockups, and prototype creation. You should be ready to pay $15,000 – $25,000.

App Development:

Backend Development: 

This involves database and server-side objects; it may cost you like anywhere between $20,000 to $50,000.

API Development: 

This allows interactions of the app with the server. This could cost approximately around $10,000 to $20,000. Secondly, there is Frontend development, which simply means the UI and UX design, ranging from $15,000 to $30,000. 

Quality Assurance and Testing: 

To test extensively whether the app functions perfectly, it will have to be adeptly tested which shall cost another $5,000 to $15,000.


The launching of the app shall be on both, iOS and Android platforms.

Marketing and Promotion: 

This is the sum to be paid out in attracting users to the new app. Budget between $10,000 and $20,000.

Total Estimated Cost: 

The total estimate for the cost of developing an app similar to the MeWe app will range from $68,000 to $158,000. These are rough estimates based on several factors, which include the complexity of features involved, the location of the development team, and so forth.

Development Process

Build a Team: 

A product manager, UX/UI designer, mobile developer, QA analyst, and digital marketer need to be included in your development team. Bigger teams may include technical writers, web engineers, and software developers.

Research Your Competition: 

The app needs to be unique, so do research on your competitors and know what they have and what they don’t.

Layout Core Features: 

Wireframe and mockup of how the layout for the app will be designed to provide an architecture model for the application, ensuring a smooth user experience.


It is a very detailed sketch of how an app will look, with images, the main layout, along with a coherent color palette and typography.

Design the App: 

Definition of technical architecture, technology stack selection, and development milestones. This consists of all the development activities at the backend, API, and frontend areas.

Minimum Viable Product : 

An MVP is a minimally viable product that can be launched to get feedback from users. It helps in understanding whether the app is useful, and if it addresses the challenges it aims to solve.


Conduct different types of tests to ensure that the app works correctly. This includes functional testing, interrupted testing, memory testing, install testing, and performance testing.

User Feedback: 

Gather feedback from users to understand their needs and expectations. This would help apply the necessary changes in the application.


Publish the application on iOS and Google Play stores. There exist different shops with a variety of needs and conditions.


Churning out a social media app like the MeWe app requires complex planning, a well-organized development team, detailed market research, and a user privacy and safety perspective. Having a budget of approximately $68,000-$158,000 helps in creating something unique to establish your brand in the competitive social media world.

If ready for the jump, look to partner with a trusted app development partner. At Element8, the pioneer AI-driven web designing and mobile app development company in Dubai, you will find great help in creating a fascinating app that resonates with users and experiences a boom in the digital world through our expertise in social media app development. 

Time for us to jump the gun and let’s talk ideas!