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Develop a Banking App Like Mashreq NEOBiz – Basic Steps

The world that we are living in, prioritizes convenience over everything. If you closely look into development today, “necessity” is no more the mother of inventions, rather “convenience” has become the “necessity” for our time today. This testament stands very true when it comes to the mechanism of banking, which has undergone revolutionary transformation over the ages. Those days are long behind when one had to sail through mountains of paperwork and a long trail of queues. It is then that digital applications like Mashreq NEOBiz online banking offer us unparalleled efficiency and ease in managing funds and finances. But what is more intriguing is what makes a digital banking application as handy and revolutionary as Mashreq NEOBiz. 

In this blog, we will delve into this tangent of mobile application development for banking and draw insights from both Mashreq NEOBiz and Mashreq itself.

What is Mashreq NEOBiz all about?

In the plane of mobile banking app, it is a conduit of innovation that serves specifically the needs of small and medium-sized business entities in the UAE. Its advanced suite offers a range of services from online banking to cash management which enables businesses to streamline their financial operations and drive efficiency for growth. 

But is that all that makes it apart from the rest?

At its core, the business model of Mashreq NEOBiz is to be a one-stop digital banking platform that is comprehensive and customized specifically for the specific demands of the business. With cutting-edge technology at its aid, Mashreq NEOBiz straightens financial management by reducing operational costs and fostering a holistic environment for business entities to grow. 

However it is not as cut and dried as it seems, rather it involves the arduous journey one has to tread upon from ideation to execution, with diligent and meticulous planning to tackle the market hurdles and challenges.

Key Metrics and Market Trends around Mashreq NEOBiz

It is imperatively given that before onsetting on any journey, one must grasp key metrics and market trends tightly that shape the landscape of banking in the UAE. Conventional banking has a stronghold in the market, and that is why they can co-exist if not crushed by the wheels of digital banking as there is a burgeoning demand for tech-finance solutions. Adeptly understanding these aspects is vital for business ventures that are looking forward to leveraging this demand through investing in mobile application development for banking so that it can resonate with the intended audience well.

Market research is navigating the developmental process, helping developers to understand user preferences, analyze competitors, and tap into unearthed opportunities. By analyzing market trends and competitors like Dubai Islamic Bank, Emirates NBD, etc, developers gain invaluable insights into user preferences and needs. This creates a strong foundation for a truly transformative banking experience.

The Fine Blueprint

After having a firm grasp of the market dynamics and user preferences, it is time to plan it all out and embark on the endeavor of app development with the power of a full-proof blueprint. The mobile banking app development is a journey that unfolds in several steps, each meticulously planned, orchestrated, and carried out so that the product is shaped perfectly. 

1. Defining the objective of the application 

Before even putting down the pen and paper, one must be able to articulate the overreaching objectives of the application. It should be laid down, answering crucial questions like 

  • Who is the application aimed at?
  • Is it for retail customers, small businesses, or high-net-worth individuals?
  • What is its unique value proposition?

Answering all these questions shall help set the stage for a targeted development approach.

2. Research the market

One must study the market adeptly. It includes understanding the competitor’s offerings and gauging user feedback. User reviews and industry reports are a keg that one must harness to strengthen your development strategy.

3. Planning the architecture

One must establish the architecture of the application by drawing the core functionalities, the data flow mechanism, security measures, and scalability considerations. This shall be the bedrock for the seamless user experience and foresight for the evolving market. 

4. Design a user-centric interface 

The user interface is the fabric that has to be extremely appealing to your users. It must be a blend of aesthetic visual appeal and intuitive navigation so that it can create an engaging and delightful user experience. One can draw inspiration from Mashreq NEOBiz’s interface which is clean, streamlined, visually coherent, user-centric design principles, and prioritizes accessibility. 

5. Developing the mobile application

Now this is the fun part, isn’t it? Because now one must roll up their sleeves and get into the technical stuff, the nitty-gritty of application development. Now there are several technologies that one has to choose from depending on the market strategy and business model. Now whether one chooses a native or cross-platform framework, one must prioritize agile development methodologies, iterative refinement, and a seamless integration with the backend systems. 

6. Testing and security audits 

When it comes to the word “security” never compromise it. Never! One must leave not even a pebble unturned to maintain and solidify the security of the mobile banking app. Rigorously and continually testing around the functionality, security, and usability is the backbone of a successful user experience and your credibility in the market. 

7. Regulatory compliance 

One must be able to navigate through the great maze of regulations with finesses as it is the only way of building trust in the landscape of digital banking. It involves stern adherence to data and privacy regulations as per the geographic region, and compliance to the norms of data transparency and protection. 

8. Optimization on the app store (ASO)

It is not just about developing the application, because all your efforts can fail until now if you do smartly and rightly position it in the market. Through strategic app store optimization (ASO), one can position their app competitively in the application marketplace. Use keyword research, compelling visuals, and targeted messaging, to improve the discoverability and drive downloads. 

9. Launching the application

On the mark, 1..2..3.., it’s time to launch your mobile banking app and put it out for the world with well-orchestrated and strategized marketing. Leverage the power of press releases, digital marketing, promotional offerings, etc to create a buzz and catch the attention of your target audience. 

10. Ongoing maintenance and updation

The journey never ends with the launch, it is just the beginning of an adventure that one must begin to enjoy as it is a continual cycle of improvement by working as per the user feedback, relentlessly updating the application, and embracing the journey of continuous improvement to keep up with the technological advancement, market demand, regulatory compliances, and user expectations.

The Final Terrain of Cost Considerations

While the pursuit of excellence is boundless, pragmatic considerations often dawn over the realm of mobile application development for banking. The proper estimation of developing an application as grand as Mashreq NEOBiz is a fine act of balancing, and weighing the intricacies of designing, surmounting complexities, price quotes by the development team, and variation of location. 

Each function adds to the development cost, be it account management, transferring funds, payment of bills to the security features. To keep a steady but right pace of expenditure, you must align the cost projections with the development milestones so that developers can start the process confidently and you can start drawing more insights into the business credibly, rest assured that every Dirham spent is a strategic input in delivering user-valuable output.


In the world of digital banking applications, Mashreq is the beacon of successfully voyaging on uncharted waters, guided by the compass of innovation and fuelled by the unwavering pursuit of perseverance. Draw inspiration and insights from Mashreq NEOBiz and Mashreq helping developers to chart toward success by weaving cutting-edge technology, user-focussed design, and regulating compliances to weave out a revolutionary banking experience to transcend the scape of UAE and beyond. 

If you want to embark on this uncharted terrain, Element8 is your most reliable partner. As one of the leading mobile app development company in UAE , we take immense pride in having delivered the most successful applications rooted from different visions.